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Feb 2
Right so I’m on the mini pill. My periods used to be very long like 9-11 days and my flow was heavy. I went on the pill my doctor recommended the mini pill so I was like okay. My periods since being on the pill have been like 7-8 days long however now I want to go on the like proper pill that stops my periods completely. The only issue is being adopted I don’t know my family’s medical history. Does this mean I can’t go on the regular pill?
Feb 3
Im confused because the mini pill is supposed to stop ur periods because there are no breaks and all the pills are hormones? When did you start it.
Feb 3
it doesn’t always stop your bleeds, you can experience breakthrough bleeding - you shouldn’t be taking a break though on the mini pill^^ x and yes likely that’s why the doctor suggested the mini pill as they ask about family’s medical history surrounding blood clots for the combined pill x
Feb 3
Yes I am aware of the breakthrough bleeding why I asked how long they have been on it for :) breakthrough bleeding only lasts a certain amount of time and usually isn’t as heavy.
Feb 3
in my experience on it i have had monthly breakthrough bleeds for a few months last year so wouldn’t stress about it as long as it wasn’t excessive bleeding :) x

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