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Mar 12 23
❗️Weight loss trigger warning❗️ I want to loose weight and I always say I want to loose it but I brings eat so much… can never stick to my word with exercise I don’t like the gym cause I feel judged. I enjoy walks but I don’t always go on them and I just feel at a real loose end cause I’m just so annoyed at myself cause 1-2 years ago I think I was a pretty decent weight and now I’m wet much overweight and I just don’t know what to do. Any advice tips or even apps to download to help me on my weight loss journey would be great. I wouldn’t mind paying for a subscription either as long as it is an acc legit and has helped other people Thank you all in advance and sorry for my slight rant
Mar 12 23
Sorry for those that seen this without the warning, I’m not sure if this was what I was meant to do but I’m sorry for those that seen this without any warnings!
Mar 12 23
Did you mean binge eat? If that’s an issue for you I think it’s worth talking it through with a therapist to get to the root of why you are doing that. I think if you really want to make a change and be happier then you need to really commit to a long term, lifestyle change. Not a quick fix. The majority of people who diet and lose weight quickly end up regaining the weight they lost and more. Realistically if it’s taken you 1-2 years to gain x amount of weight its going to take at least a year to sustainably lose that weight, it’s not happening overnight. Increase your movement. Incorporate more fruit, veg and protein in your diet and make sure you have snacks you actually like around for when you want a snack (eg fruit, nuts, yogurts, protein bars, etc). Pay attention to your portion size and how you feel when you’re eating and stop eating when you feel full, not when all the food is gone. Make your own meals, personally I find batch cooking really helps me eat good solid dinners and also helps save money! Drink lots and lots of water. And also enjoy your treats and meals out and take aways etc, make sure you’re living and enjoying your life. Eating a take away once in a while isn’t going to magically ruin all your progress the same way one nutritious healthier meal isn’t going to magically make you lose weight. It’s a lifestyle and it’s an accumulation of all your choices over time. I mean you could get apps etc that show you work out plans and recipes etc but you can get all that for free from YouTube and tiktok, there’s so many content creators who make stuff like that, try some out and see what you like. As for feeling like you’re being judged at the gym, are you judging and thinking negatively about other people when you’re at the gym? I mean if you are I can understand why you think others are doing that LOL but I guarantee you the majority are there to mind their own business and do their workout. They’re not thinking about you.
Mar 12 23
If for example you currently drink like one fizzy drink a day, maybe work on cutting down to one every second day. Small changes might not seem like they could make a big difference but a few small changes over time can have a significant impact. Also, you are going to change as you get older. You’re not going to have the same body at 16 and 26 and 36, you just aren’t. You are going to change, it’s a struggle to accept that but I would really recommend trying to work on making peace with that as well eating healthier and moving more. You naturally gain weight as you get older.
Mar 12 23
@bluerose9 I do think maybe going to a therapist about my binge eating would acc be a good idea now that you say that. Being honest didn’t think it would be something you can talk to a therapist about . Thank you so much 😊
Mar 12 23
@Banana4421 absolutely you can talk to a therapist about literally anything. A lot of eating habits can be linked to something a lot deeper than just food honestly!
Mar 13 23
I recommend the brain over binge book, it helps with learning how to eat more intuitively and stop the pattern of binging. I’ve been able to lose weight and stop binging by being in a calorie deficit but making sure I’m not restricting myself much - so I still have treats during the week and go out for food/drinks often. If I go over my calories I don’t think ‘I’ve already messed up now so may as well go all out’, one meal off plan won’t ruin your progress just like one meal on plan won’t make you lose weight. My weight loss has been very slow and there’s been weeks I haven’t lost anything or even gained but now I’m over a stone down and it’s more maintainable. Also find a form of exercise you actually enjoy. The gym and walking aren’t the only options! I personally hate the gym so I do a type of dance instead. It also helps you to stop making the goal of exercise to lose weight/get toned, instead it’s to gain a new skill, improve fitness and have fun.

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