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Jul 3
Can anyone give advice on how to have high self esteem and be more positive? I’m in Australia and I was absolutely thriving at the start but since I’ve moved to do my 88 days I have become so negative and I don’t have much confidence in myself anymore… so if anyone has any tips please let me know because I want to stop feeling like this
Jul 3
I recommend the podcast Do You F*cking Mind. The host is Australian so it’s topical lol. But for real you should scroll the episodes and look for a title that sticks out to you!! I love love her advice
Jul 3
What helps me is trying small things by myself, and when I'm successful at it this builds my confidence. It's called self-efficacy. It can be something simple like trying out a new spot for lunch, or learning how to use the public transportation without getting lost, to bigger stuff like taking a class to learn a new skill or joining a club/organization. Even failing at things but realizing you'll be okay is helpful. Reducing social media use can also help.
Jul 4
Do you know more specifically what is causing you to lose confidence? Knowing that would help

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