I'm kind of in a bind right now and I'm wondering what you guys would do. So my partner and I currently share one car which was working out great because my job is flex hybrid where I'm in-person minimum one day a week/as needed and I can choose the day and remote the rest of the time, and he was working Sun-Wed (all in person.) So I could take the car and go in-person on his days off, Thursday and/or Friday. Well someone left at his job so they went back to 5 days a week (Sun-Thurs) and even though they've hired a replacement we don't know when they'll go back to 4 days a week. I was going in on Fridays but now there are more demands for me to go in-person on various days and my boss kind of got on my case about being more "flexible" about coming in (apparently flex hybrid doesn't mean flexible for me, it means I have to be flexible for the job.) We are trying to make this work with a set of carpooling gymnastics tbh (like my partner coming home for lunch, me dropping him off at work (not on the way) then going to my work and picking him up at the end of the day.) But each time is a weird set of arrangements depending on my meeting schedule and the timing of the event I need to be at. So I was like okay maybe we need a second car. Thing is, we technically have his old car which he was trying to sell because it's pretty old and has a lot of problems. I was like maybe fixing that up for a few thousand would still be easier, faster and cheaper than buying a new (used) car. He would only need to drive it a few times a month and his job is super close. The mechanic got back to us and it's $5K to fix the car, but he doesn't recommend it because it might have more problems down the road.
So I guess our options are, sink the money in this car, which may not be a great investment long-term, or look into buying a different car. Keeping in mind we JUST bought a car last year. I'm not really keen on doing that again when we're trying to save for a house. Also I need a fast solution. We could continue with this annoying case by case carpooling situation, but it won't always work. I could just suck it up and take ubers, which I also hate spending money on, but it's technically less than $5K. Public transportation is not a great option, the nearest bus stop is over a mile away. What would you guys do? It's honestly stressing me out quite a bit not knowing how I'm getting to work each day.