I became friends with the nastiest person ever last summer. It lasted a year before I just ghosted her completely. She yelled at me while i was driving her somewhere once (doing her a favour lol), she belittled me, minimized my accomplishments, straight up ignored me when i got excited about things and would turn her attention to someone else, and talked crap about me to my coworkers (and she was our manager!! And they knew we were close!!).
Thats not even all of it. She was awful, she got demoted, nearly everyone quit because of her and she moved away. But I knew her from the beginning and she was one of the closest people I got to know so it hurt deeply. Anyway, disgusting behaviour. I know people are against ghosting someone but you absolutely owe NOOOTHING to anyone when they’re horrible to you.
I had a whole text typed out to send to her about how she needs to fix herself but i knew it would be a waste of time. I later found out through HER close friend that nothing I’ll say would make her look at herself and take blame and that really she’s ruined all her friendships.
Anyway, that was also me getting it off my own chest lol. If someone is truly ugly on the inside, they’re not gonna change. Hopefully they seek therapy, in the meantime take care of yourself. Just never reply again, they’ll get the hint.