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Jul 12
Hey ladies. I’m in a real dilemma and need some advice. I have been talking to this boy for the last month and I feel like I have grown a very strong connection with him personally but I don’t feel that physical attraction to him or have that sexual attraction towards him and it is messing with my brain. I kind of broke things off with him but tried to remain friends but he definitely caught feelings and needs space which I completely respect but I miss talking to him and have been extremely upset since and now I feel like I made the wrong choice just because of the way my body is reacting. Some people are telling me that I’m right and that if I don’t have that physical or sexual attraction towards him then he isn’t the one but other people are saying that I should’ve given it more time and seen if it grew but I was scared of stringing him along and hurting him if that didn’t end up happening. He’s the sweetest guy and I enjoy his company so much but just don’t have that other kind of attraction for him and whenever we are intimate I just find myself trying to force myself to get into it or enjoy it and I didn’t think that was how it was supposed to feel or be. Am I wrong or am I doing the right thing? Please help
Jul 12
No you absolutely did the right thing. Obviously he’s upset, but you’re best to be honest about your feelings. It’s only been a month, it would hurt a lot more if you weren’t upfront and told him further down the line.
Jul 12
Only speaking from my experience as I was in a similar situation as you and one thing I learned is your body will reject anything/anyone that doesn’t align with it. I just accepted it and didn’t try to force it because it will do no good to either of us. You did the right thing and you may feel guilt but it’s always better to be honest :) one step closer to finding your person!
Jul 12
@Julie980 @bluerose9 I just feel dumb because of how much I miss him. Like how can I like someone and their personality so much but not feel that spark or energy in bed. I hate it.
Jul 12
Totally normal to feel like that - keep yourself busy and try meeting new people. Just an experience we all have to go through unfortunately
Jul 12
@Julie980 thank you so much

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