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Nov 17 24
Hi guys, i've had questions but i don't have a Gp or anything and i had to fight to even get an appointment to then get birth control (i had incredibly painful periods that progressed over 5-6 months) On my week off pills with the withdrawal bleed be painful like my periods? I've taken my pills since the 7th and i have been around 9pm every day (max 15 mins after 9) what's the allowance around that At what point is contraception viable; i've read 7 days of consistently taking the pill? Do i ovulate at all when i am on my pill or are my hormones pretty consistent; i have a period tracking app and even though i'm logging the pill it's not adapting its predictions at all? Sorry for so many questions; i live up north the nhs is struggling and i haven't got a doctor to ask I'd be super thankful for any responses 💤💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊⏱ Brand: Rigevidon
Nov 17 24
The NHS actually has a pretty comprehensive and accurate website on contraception, it's worth a read and will answer a lot of your questions. But briefly: -Ideally your withdrawal bleeds will get lighter and less painful but there's no way to know for sure how you'll react. If they don't get better you can use bc to skip your withdrawal bleed by continuing to take active pills (just keep in mind this way you'l run out of pills 1 week sooner) -Since Rigevidon is a combined pill your allowance is 24 hours -Yes 7 days/8 pills -Birth control prevents ovulation so there's no point in using a period tracking app anymore

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