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Sep 18 22
Tw : drugs & tripping Im trying magic mushrooms for the first time and my boyfriend has agreed to be there with me while sober. Since i trust he can calm me down if i get a bad trip. Any tips on how i can not get a bad trip? Any of yall have experienced with this? And also. Do you remember everything that happens while tripping? Do you say things you dont mean to say? Im new to this so idk
Sep 18 22
- clean your surroundings, dishes and food makes me so anxious it’s unreal - drinks lots of water. Try to eat food before but because you’ll lose your appetite very fast - avoid having any important phone calls or text to return, your eyes will be dilated and communication will be stressful - I don’t say things I didn’t meant but I overshare what I see / think about. Like alcohol a bit - if you’re having a bad mental day, do NOT do mushrooms or psychedelic - only do it if you want to !
Sep 18 22
You will be nauseated for a while during and may throw up.
Sep 18 22
i’ve only done shrooms by steeping it in tea bc I have stomach issues and never had an issue. I would suggest what was said above ^^ making ur environment clean and putting some chill music on, i like music and to paint so i had that around me. I knew I was coming up when I was giggling a lot and yawning lol. I felt like I wanted to lay down on grass and felt my feet were heavy. I would suggest looking outside or going outside bc the colours are vibrant and beautiful. I thankfully haven’t had a bad trip but having someone sober with you will help a lot. you could also write a note with positive affirmations like “you did shrooms, you probably feel weird right now but you are safe and the high is almost done” also don’t look at mirrors because you might see weird distorted images

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