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Jul 15
i forgot to take my pill with me one day, so i took it around 3 am instead of 9pm. I have had unprotected sex the day before and some days after. Was i still safe? ‼️⚠️⚠️💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊‼️💊💊💊💊💊💊⏱
Jul 15
Depends on your usage window. What does your pamphlet say about it?
Jul 15
@Yi_eune i think it’s 12 hours
Jul 15
if it’s 12 hours then that was only 6 hours late, make sure you know your usage window for definite
Jul 15
@bibble then 6 hours won’t make a difference, since it’s still in your usage window. Be sure to check it so you know your usage window for sure. It’s either 3 or 12 for mini pills. 12 or 24 for combined pills.

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