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Feb 9
Tw: food/craving Anyone who has came off birth control noticed an increase in appetite? In the last month I’ve noticed myself being much more hungry and craving more sugary foods ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌💤💤💤💤💤💤💤❌❌❌❌❌❌⏱ Brand: Microgynon 30
Feb 9
your hormones are fluctuating from coming off so an increase in appetite could be expected.
Feb 9
@pinklavender do you think once they regulate k will start to balance out the appetite and hopefully start to lose that weight? I’ve been tracking calorie and back to gym but still increased weight and cravings
Feb 9
i’d say so, you can always try new ways like intermittent fasting, incorporating new workouts etc. cravings could also just be a sign of your body lacking a certain vitamin, i’m not too knowledgeable about it all but i’d just give your body some time to even out and stick with just keeping yourself healthy and not worry so much about the weight, your body will get rid of what it’s supposed to when you’re eating correctly and exercising.

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