What kind of advice are you asking for? Are you wanting advice on if you should continue hookups? Or advice on how to combat this feeling?
Personally, I was a virgin until my first longer relationship (June 2022-August 2023). After that, I had 2 small hookups (one in a short-term relationship), and the first hookup I regret a little. I don’t think I am ashamed, but I just felt like they didn’t deserve that much of me, if that makes any sense.
I WILL! say, my first friends-with-benefits scenario was my current partner. We were friends with benefits for 2 months before we basically fell in love 🤣 and we’ve been officially together for 2 months next week. I’ve never been happier.. and wouldn’t have found that with him if I hadn’t done that. Not that that’s good for everyone or always how life works out