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Jan 9
recently i’ve been with a girl (wlw) and i’ve been super nervous about going down on her although i want to. We’ve done other things like ✂️ and idk i haven’t really enjoyed it. I’m always on top and im inexperienced but it felt good for her so idk what im doing wrong. i just get so nervous.
Jan 10
Hey, firstly there’s nothing you’re doing wrong! You’re exploring! And that can come with all types of feelings. Even those that were ‘I thought I wanted to, but have now decided I don’t want to’. Especially with something new and in the moment it’s hard to really determine how we feel. Good thing you can name that you’re nervous. But what about? And you’ve said you haven’t really enjoyed it. Why are you continuing? Maybe take a step back and think about what you really want? You don’t have to go down on someone if you don’t want to. If she knows your inexperienced maybe ask her to take the lead or show you some things she likes. At the end of the day don’t do anything you don’t want to. Also there’s lots of other women out there that you can meet too. Sex is different with everyone

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