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Oct 27
Hey guys, please dont be mean . I just need some advice and reassurance i guess 🥹 Lately I have been feeling so jealous and insecure to the point that it eats me up always, my boyfriend talking to other girls just makes me super anxious, insecure and all that. And I have communicated that to him , he reassures me all the time , he doesn’t hide anything, he lets me do everything i want on his phone or his computer i can go to his place anytime theres not a single thing that he does to show me hes doing something wrong or he’s cheating . But a second that i know he just talks to a girl i feel so insecure and jealous about it. Since i was a kid , i have never had a good role model when it comes to relationships.. my mum have been cheating since probably i was born till now and my parents still together even though my dad knows all the cheating. So i grew up with my mum cheating my sister getting cheated on . This is my first relationship and Im so scared to ruin it just because i feel toxic and jealous girl friend all the time. ( but my boyfriend never made an argument everytime i open up about me feeling jealous or just when i overthink) Please help me what do i do to be okay? 😔 cause i really feel like im broken on the inside
Oct 27
Have you looked into therapy?
Oct 27
@aurielle i have and im really considering it. But its so expensive and in my uni I have to be on the wait list.
Oct 27
I second therapy. I understand it is expensive but it will be worth it when you’re able to work through this and truly enjoy your relationship. Just know it takes time. Get on the waitlist.
Oct 27
I would just try out tactics to help calm your anxiety and see what works for you! There are a lot of tips online you could look into. Think about it like this: Imagine you are interacting with a man you know maybe a co worker or friend or friends boyfriend whatever it may be. You aren't interested in them or even thinking about flirting in the slightest. It's because you care for your partner. Your boyfriend is the same way. He is not interacting with other women and thinking about being interested in them. He is just interacting with them because they are just people he is around. It is just the anxious thoughts in your head that are trying to suggest otherwise. Just know that it is irrational thoughts that are getting in the way of the real situation, which is just simply people interacting at a completely innocent and non suggestive social way.
Oct 28
I think the only way to resolve or help this is professional help.

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