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Jul 12
Hey all, it’s been a while since I’ve been active on this app but I feel like I’m struggling so much for so long. I’ve been stressed about the responsibility and over all just life problems recently. Life hasn’t ever seemed to get easier but for some reason I wish I could be happy about all that’s going on as well. I live in a multigenerational house hold and it’s very very stressful. There’s way too much to explain but I’d love if someone going through similar things could help give some time and energy to me that would be great to talk about it. It’s way too much to explain in one sitting but some of the things that are going on, is living with an aging parent. Dealing with three pets that don’t get along, one is very old and close to passing soon. Trying to find a job that is worth my time and effort. Being in a long distance relationship so the ability to have some one here with me to support me going through all this alone is very tough. Just there’s a lot more but trying! I’ll take any advice though, thanks a ton! I am in therapy but it’s only once a week because it’s a sliding scale payment. I wish I could go more often but until again I get a better job, I can’t afford that right now.
Jul 14
Hi PennyLane102 I remember you! Sorry your finding things tough, hopefully you will make new friends in your new job and they will become your besties. It’s important to take some time away from everyone and have some ‘me’ time. Watch a movie, go shopping, bake a cake! Take care, Nurse Marj x

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