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Nov 12 24
Hi there I need some advice for not overthinking about my health because I always over analyze things about my body like if there’s something wrong with me or I have any STD even though I got tested and it all came negative but I can’t help but just worry if I have an even worse STD I don’t know how to stop myself from searching for answers online which I know makes it worse I just don’t know how to stop
Nov 12 24
And sometimes I feel like puking if my overthinking comes true and I don’t know how to prove myself that there’s nothing wrong with me or my body
Nov 12 24
I think you could benefit from seeking out professional help for your anxiety. Life shouldn’t have to be like this
Nov 13 24
@Qu33n_111 i went through the exact same thing and still struggle with it, but not as bad. in time the anxiety will fade. just know that googling things, checking your body, over analyzing, etc. won’t help you in anyway and will only make it worse. you can cause psychosomatic symptoms to occur (happened to me). you’re not alone and will overcome the worry just try not to fixate on it and distract yourself with other things <3
Nov 13 24
as an over thinker (turned health anxiety), who had to message their mum over every thing that she thought was happening to her (multiple things a week ranging from life threatening to an infection) as an adult, professional help really does work- and although i am not saying i’m perfect with it now, definitely am i nowhere near the state i was a year ago

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