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Jul 17
Hey guys So im on the pill and i had sex without a condom on the day of my last active pill (Friday), i spoke to the pharmacist the day after and she said bcos ive been consistent with the pill for the month ill be safe to start my withdrawal bleeding week. I started my withdrawal bleed on Monday night and began bleeding normal like i normally do (brown blood) now it’s Wednesday and its been very light bleeding and whenever i wipe its pink discharge but i still have brown blood on my pad from time to time. Ive never had pink discharge before so i am abit worried that maybe it’s implantation bleeding? 💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊
Jul 17
as long as you took your pills correctly you are fine
Jul 17
If you take your pills correctly you won’t experience implantation bleeding, which is rare to experience in the first place. I recommend you use condoms until you trust your birth control. Birth control is known to lighten or stop bleeding. Bleeding (or lack thereof) means absolutely nothing in regards to pregnancy. It being brown just means it has had time to oxidise.
Jul 17
As long as you’ve taken your pills correctly you’re protected on your break aswell

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