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Oct 16
This is confusing me because it seems like it is the opposite. Maybe I am just not understanding correctly. I have read my pamphlet and it is vague lol I would appreciate any clarification We are protected during our break week as long as we start our pack on time. But with combo pill I understand you can miss any pill including the first pill and still be protected. But wouldnt this be not starting the pack on time!? I am just trying to understand 😅 💊💊💊💊💊⚠️💊💊💊🔶🔶💊💊💊💊💊💊💤💤💤💤💤💤💤⚠️⚠️💊💊 Brand: Apri
Oct 16
Yes I believe you’re still protected if you miss the first pill, but personally I would treat it as a missed pill to be on the safe side. As around the the break week is the riskiest time to miss a pill.
Oct 16
Yes you can miss a singular pill anywhere in your pack.
Oct 16
This is actually such a good point. Because if you extend your break week you’re considered unprotected but also you can miss that pill and be protected??
Oct 16
I guess just be safe and never miss that particular pill!
Oct 17
@lIzzie3456 right!! See how Its kind of confusing lol @yi_eune
Oct 17
@pearls4ever I see how it’s confusing, but you can miss one pill

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