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Jan 11 21
TW: health , heart palpitations My heart seems to flutter / ‘skip beats’ a lot. It’s been happening for a while. I went to the doctors a few months back over it and they basically said my oxygen levels are fine so i’m okay. It doesn’t necessarily happen when i’m anxious, eat certain food etc. It can sometimes happen when i’m just lay in bed. Does anyone have any advice on what it could be or what to do moving forward?
Jan 11 21
The same thing happens to me. I’m not sure the cause but it does happen more often when I drink a lot of caffeine.
Jan 11 21
Do you have low iron?
Jan 11 21
My brother & I have this issue. It’s just a cardiac arrhythmia in our case, nothing concerning and very common. Our doctor has us take a medication each morning just to keep things normal.
Jan 11 21
The same thing used to happen to me! When I was younger I went to many specialists for this and they diagnosed me with something called “long qt” which pretty much means I could just drop down and die if I was active. So for months I had to stop all of my extra curricular activities, gym class, everything. Then later on after multiple more tests they said I was fine and it was just my anxiety! I was given medication for it and now I’m fine!
Jan 11 21
I have this issue pretty frequently and it’s a bit scary bc I had a condition called Wolf Parkinson White for which I had surgery but it could recur. I also have basic arrhythmias which aren’t an issue for the time being and feel pretty similar, so it’s hard to tell which it is. The arrhythmias happen particularly when I’m dehydrated or have too much caffeine, so maybe that’s something to consider.
Jan 11 21
It could be an arrhythmia and you should definitely mention it again to your doctor if you have any pain, shortness of breath, or fatigue associated with the palpitations/irregularity. Also, @grAzydol8 I just learned about WPW syndrome in school about 2 months ago! Very interesting to learn about, glad you had corrective measures taken for that, that can progress scarily.

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