I have an interview lined up so I’m weighing up pros and cons for leaving my current job to go for this one (if I got it):
• new job is a longer commute (more traffic) but still should only be 20-30 mins but more petrol money
• no working from home - currently I work 2/3 days from home. I worked out I shouldn’t need to wake up any earlier than I do now when I go to the office, but it would be 5 days a week which is again more petrol money
• most likely have to do some overtime at the new job. Currently I work 8:30-5, I think the new job could finish 6ish with overtime
• new job is better pay, especially with overtime
• new job would keep me busier throughout the day, currently I get pretty bored and there’s not much to do lol
What would you do?