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Feb 13
Hi everyone! Would love some advice: I’ve had this reoccurring UTI since last year, this third time I got it I treated with antibiotics (macrobid) now a month after, I got tested for BV. First time ever have BV. Will taking antibiotics for BV just keep disrupting my biome and give me a UTI again? Is it because my partner finishes inside me but we have for years. Lastly, what do yall use to keep a healthy ph lvl because I’m at a 7 right now and supposedly that’s high. Pls help my hypochondriac self!
Feb 13
I would recommend probiotics. For gut health while on antibiotics as well as your vaginal health. I personally find they work well, I notice a difference when I don’t take them (ie I’m wayyy more prone to yeast infections when I don’t take them). Look for ones that have a minimum of 10 million live bacteria (I get ones with at least 20 million) and specific bacteria strains in the ingredients (for example don’t get ones that just list Lactobacillus acidophilus, get ones that list something like Lactobacillus acidophilus LA85 - the bacteria strain with an identifying number/letter - this is a particular strain of bacteria). They’re going to be the best. When you’re taking antibiotics you need to be careful about taking probiotics, I think you need to take them a few hours after taking an antibiotic but definitely talk to a pharmacist and get their professional advice. I would not recommend having sex at all until you are fully sure you have gotten rid of the infection. Having sex while having a uti or BV is only going to irritate it. It might be best to use condoms and not let your boyfriend finish in you for a while if you’re finding you’re having recurring infections. Even if you’ve been fine for years.
Feb 13
@bluerose9 this was amazing advice! I know we’ll both be irritated but thinking of no sex for at least a month and I think should be okay. Which probiotics do you specifically take? I have been hearing a lot about Rephresh
Feb 13
@yppah I’ve tried a couple of different brands, I just go into a health store and look for ones with 20 million + live bacteria that are a specific strain as I explained above and I don’t really notice a difference between brands honestly. I’ve never heard of Rephresh. I take them 4-6 days a week, I don’t remember to take them every single day tbh
Feb 13
Some brands need to be stored in the fridge btw to ensure the bacteria stay alive!

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