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Jul 23
Hi everyone I’m just going to be talking about relationships and stuff because I need some advice. So this boy I’ve been friends with him since we met in year 7 (I was 12/13 he was year above so 13/14) currently I’m now 19 and he’s 20. Let’s call him Boy 1 We started dating when we met but it obviously wasn’t proper as we were young, I’ve had a few relationships now since. But with my first boyfriend in year 9, he ended up back in my life and we had another talking stage, it ended. then again in my next relationship in year 11, he came back into my life we had another talking stage. Then it ended again and then started again and then ended again. Then I got into a relationship with someone last year who happens to be in his friendship group. Let’s call him boy 2. This was October I haven’t spoke to boy 1 since, as I’ve been with boy 2. Me and boy 2 split up in March but have still been seeing each other. However last month his other friend boy 3 who I’m also friends with (sorry it’s confusing) but he text me and asked for a favour he said boy 1 can meet you to get it I thought ok weird but sure. Me and boy 1 had an argument last year and hadn’t spoke since but everything was completely fine, then we followed me on socials and asked for my sc. we’ve been talking again since and meeting up and it just seems like no matter what happens he will always come back into my life. I thought I was so happy with boy 2 but since I’ve been close with boy 1 again I’m starting to feel things for him and it’s just a whole mess, I believe in God so what if he’s trying to tell me something I don’t know but I just really need advice because I’ve really thought about it and no matter what I do, he always comes back. Please help me Thank you
Jul 23
This could just be a whole coincidence lol but to me it just seems strange
Jul 24
Sounds like boy 1 is a toxic and unstable attachment who won't let you move on and have an actual healthy relationship
Jul 24
^Agree, I think it’d be good for you to spend some time single too so you’re not jumping in and out of relationships/situationships
Jul 28
this might not be the best idea i do think you should try being single for a while as it really changes your perspective on thing but if you don’t want to do that and you are still questing it the only way to find out is to try it out talk maybe start dating it will either work out or it won’t it’s the only way to know for sure
Jul 28
you both clearly have some feelings for each other or you would end up coming back to each other

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