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Feb 18
I’m planning on marrying my boyfriend you’ve been dating for more than four years, but we are still in college. Is it considered a sin if I’m planning on marrying him in the future. Like what is the biblical fact on sex before marriage even though I’m committed to my life time partner and I’m also committed my life to Jesus. The only difference is time and I piece of paper. I’ve never been with anyone else and I’ve never seen myself ever being married to anyone else, I’m devoted to Jesus and this boy so why is having sex a sin? In this situation is it?
Feb 18
Are you asking why you should wait to have sex until marriage if you’re going to marry him regardless ?
Feb 18
I think you are allowed to disagree with other people’s views and opinions and decide what your own morals and values are. Especially when it’s no one else’s business. I personally don’t think there is such thing as a biblical ‘fact’. People have and will always interpret something in the bible to justify and support their actions and beliefs, good or bad.
Feb 18
Just have sex if you want to. It's not a sin.
Feb 18
@falafels_ yes basically
Feb 18
@aurielle it states specifically in the Bible sex before marriage is a sin. Because sex connects and interlocks your soul with one another its not supposed to be done with everyone only that special someone. So my question is would you still consider it a sin if I've been only with this one person and I will have future with him as well.
Feb 18
@Nat22 Technically, yes. It would still be considered a sin to have sex before marriage with him if you were not yet married. If you’re going off of the Bible, the Bible says sex is a “sacred gift saved for husband and wife”.
Feb 18
I think it is up to you to decide how you feel and what your connection with god, the bible and sin is. I’m not religious, but I think it’s a very personal relationship with god, and it is up to you to decide how you feel , and what you find acceptable. X
Feb 18
@Nat22 it just seems like you are looking for reasons to justify having sex because you want to have sex, which is completely natural and there's nothing wrong with it. Rather than trying to reason it out and find loopholes that "allow" you to have premarital sex, I agree with @bluerose9 it's time to start thinking for yourself and deciding if you want to follow those beliefs or decide on your own values and definitions of what's "sinful."

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