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Jan 27
TW!!! ABORTION Hi guys. So a few months ago, I had an accidental pregnancy. I knew right away who’s it was and that I couldn’t keep it. The guy was not supportive at all and completely left me to deal with it myself. Months later he’s back, apologised sincerely, he’s made up for it and we have been hanging out and I’ve caught back all the feelings I had before it happened. I know that he’s genuinely sorry and he really likes me and when we hang out we are both really happy. I want peoples opinion on this, is this something that I shouldn’t forgive and do I look like an idiot??
Jan 27
he’s shown you that you can’t count on his support when you’re in a devastating situation. you deserve much better than someone who could ever do that to you!!
Jan 27
This guy ghosted you during one of the most difficult things you can experience in life. Why do you think he could be trustworthy and reliable for any other important event? I don't know if you're interested in a more serious relationship but he will likely disappear as soon as things get tough again. Imagine if a friend abandoned you during a challenging time, I think that would make you think twice about how much you trust them, and this was the literal father of your unborn child.
Jan 27
I think that if you believed this apologies were sincere then you wouldn’t feel the need to ask strangers whether you made the right choice. Deep down you know he will drop you in an instant as soon as the situation turns inconvenient for him. He just knows what to say to keep you around.
Jan 27
I wouldn’t let this man back into ur life.
Jan 27
Personally, I would’ve just accepted his apology and moved on and not spoken to him further. He doesn’t seem like a good person.
Jan 27
This man is playing you for sure. Truthfully, usually when men come back around it’s because they want to see how dumb you are and if you’ll be gullible enough to give them another chance. Don’t let someone tell you twice that they don’t want you and ESPECIALLY that they won’t be there to support you when it matters most.
Jan 28
He showed you who he is, so believe him. Very convenient that he’s sorry after you’ve already dealt with everything.

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