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Aug 11 19
hi, i take my pill constantly so i don’t have periods. recently i’ve become extremely tired all the time and have slight cramps , but today i have bled. i missed a pill a few days ago so is the cramps , tiredness and bleeding to do with that? or could i be pregnant
Aug 11 19
Based on the information you gave we would have no idea if you could be pregnant. Did you follow your pamphlet’s instructions when you missed the pill?
Aug 11 19
i have cramps and tired all the time and bleeding aren’t they typical signs? yes i took it as soon as i remembered and took two that day
Aug 11 19
Those are also symptoms of birth control, though. The only way to know if you’re pregnant or not is by taking a test. But if you followed your pamphlet’s instructions and were still protected then you have no reason to worry.

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