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Sep 16 23
Just wondering about if I started Ovreena on the last few days of my normal period and on my 4th day of the pill I had unprotected sex, is there any way I could of got pregnant. 💤💊💊🔶💊⚠️⚠️💊
Sep 16 23
Did you start the pill within the first 5 days of a natural period ?
Sep 16 23
It was my first natural period as I had been on pill for the last one and this period lasted for like 7 days with it being very heavy on like the 4th/5th day then took it the last day of my period so
Sep 16 23
@Linda5883 the pill is immediately effective if it’s started within the first 5 days of your natural period. If you start it after that then you’ll need to wait for 7 days for the pill to be effective. Do you mean you changed immediately from one brand to another or were there weeks/months of not taking any pill brand in between ?
Sep 16 23
There was weeks of not taking any pill!
Sep 16 23
@Linda5883 unfortunately you should have used extra protection for the first 7 days of being on the pill. Take a test in 3 weeks, I think the plan b pill is only effective for 72 hours after unprotected sex but the EllaOne is effective for up to 5 days FYI if that’s something you want to take. Talk to a pharmacist. (if you do choose to take EllaOne be aware that EllaOne and the pill decrease the effectiveness of each other so you will need to stop taking the pill for a bit, follow the instructions carefully).

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