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Jan 14
Hey Folks, I am experiencing something strange with the app. I got my notification today that it was time to remove the ring, which is correct and the calendar still shows my days where it comes out and goes in with the broken circle and the solid circle. Today is a broken circle, which means take the ring out (which I did). I got notified by the app, which is also normal. Now on the first birthday control icon down in the left bottom corner of the screen, instead of showing me what day I’m and that I’m on my break week, it’s showing this graph calendar and asking me to touch the days I use contraceptive and to pick a time for each day. I’m so confused. When I select days I had the ring in it says unprotected and I took it out too soon, but that’s impossible. Can anyone help? It’s so weird and frustrating.
Jan 14
*birth control icon, not birthday icon*
Jan 14
I am unfamiliar with how this app’s interface for ring users work but if you’ve used your pills according to the instructions of your pamphlet it’s nothing to worry about. The app occasionally has issues displaying correct information when it comes to protection.
Jan 16
This app is notorious for being unreliable so as said above, as long as you’re following the instructions for your birth control, you’re okay, regardless of what the app says.
Jan 17
Thanks I know I should know that and trust my instincts, but it helps to get that validation from others

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