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Jul 27 24
I hate how I look. My ass is big, I have thunder thighs and I have insatiable hunger just the majority of the day. I am so unmotivated which is really bad, my boyfriend’s family are all skinny and I’m just a blob compared to them. I know they compare me too. I don’t take my body for granted at all in keeping me alive and healthy otherwise but meds just make it so hard. I lose weight, then I gain it again and I don’t change anything. I’m so done being fat, and feeling like a “victim”. I’ve heard about some appetite suppressants but to they cancel out the pill?
Jul 27 24
It's important to remember that your worth is not defined by your appearance or by how others perceive you. Before considering appetite suppressants or making any changes to your medication, I recommend speaking with a healthcare professional. Remember that you are more than just your physical appearance. Your value lies in your unique qualities, strengths, and the love and kindness you bring to those around you. It's okay to seek support and guidance during difficult times. Take care of yourself and be gentle with yourself as you navigate this journey towards self-acceptance and well-being
Jul 27 24
Please don't describe yourself that way, you are beautiful and you're not a "blob." There is nothing inherently better or more attractive about being skinny than being fat and that's a societal belief we really have to unlearn. Please look into body positivity, some good accounts to follow are @meganjaynecrabbe, @i_weigh, @thefatsextherapist, @miriamlurry, and #haes (health at every size.) Also in future it's best to use a trigger warning for body image/weight
Jul 27 24
Losing weight or getting “skinny” isn’t going to get you out of this mindset. It won’t make you happier. I think it would be a really good idea to follow body positivity accounts like @aurielle mentioned but therapy can also help you.
Jul 28 24
i know it’s hard but you need to try accepting your body the way it is you could work out which will help lose some weight however everyone’s bodies are different i’m naturally slim whereas my sister is naturally curvier and there’s no real way to change either and there can be pros and cons to both as the slimmer one i am sometimes jealous of her curves you are not a blob and you should try not to see yourself as one i’m sure your boyfriends family aren’t comparing or judging you and if they are that says a lot more about his family than it does about you

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