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Jan 20
I know I explained my boyfriend having depression. I am kind of an empath person so moods really affect me for days. I dropped into a depressive rut recently due to my partners depression. Has anyone dealt with this? I’m having a tough time
Jan 20
If your partner is affecting you this much long terms then maybe you should see if you can find a way to cope and if you can’t then you might be better off splitting. I find it quite harsh and disrespectful that you’re blaming his depression when you’ve had countless people advice you getting therapy for your personal trauma and issues. If you’re struggling with depression then you should really see a therapist, also for your severe overthinking and self sabotaging behaviour.
Jan 21
It's important to have a healthy differentiation between your and your partner's emotions. Of course what our partners are going through affects us to some extent, but if you're taking on their emotions as your own or over-identifying with them it puts unnecessary stress on you and the relationship. Remind yourself that you are your own person and you're not responsible for your partner's feelings. Do something that's unique to you as an individual that can lift your mood like a specific hobby you enjoy or going to a place that makes you happy.

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