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Jul 24
Hi guys! My mood swings have become a lot worse than ever, and I can’t live like this anymore (constantly crying for no reason and starting meaningless arguments…) I’m considering switching from the pill to an IUD. Since I started birth control mostly because of my acne and really heavy periods, I just wonder if it will help as well and also if it’s a good idea to switch or just wait till I adjust to the pill
Jul 24
Since you are having bad experiences with hormonal birth control, you should switch to a non hormonal option such as the copper IUD.
Jul 24
How long have you been on the pill? Do you take break weeks on the pill and do your mood swings ever seem correlated to that?
Jul 24
@Angel420 not necessarily, different hormones might affect someone differently and not cause those problems, also in hormonal IUDs the hormones are mostly localized to the uterus which can mean less widespread side effects
Jul 25
@aurielle I just started my third strip of pills on monday and I have shortened my break from 7 days to 5 days. I feel like on my period I’m less of a mess emotionally than I am now.
Jul 28
it takes a while to get used to the pill i’m pretty sure it’s 3 months so wait until after that and if you are still having side effects talk to your doctor about switching birth control my sister was on the same pill i am however she had really bad mood swings and was very emotional she switched to a different pill and no longer has side effects
Jul 28
also you could try switching to a different pill instead of an iud but it’s up to you i prefer the pill personally as i don’t take breaks so i don’t get periods which is great for me as i used to get very heavy painful periods with the iud depending on which you get your period could get lighter stay the same or get worse one of my friends has an iud and she gets 2 month periods which sounds awful to me but everyone responds differently so if you are curious maybe talk to your doctor about trying it

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