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Dec 21 24
possible tmi: does anyone else’s pubic area itch really bad during periods? i try to switch my pads every four hours but it’s not helping and it itches so badly, every period. i’m struggling out here, it’s so irritating. is there anything i can do?
Dec 21 24
Are you avoiding scented pads/products? Do you shave down there?
Dec 21 24
@aurielle yes, nothing scented, and i trim as close as i can get to my skin but i don’t actually shave. i get the same itchiness if i shave unfortunately
Dec 21 24
@dtibaddie yeah I was going to suggest not shaving or trimming near this time to reduce itchiness. Is there any reason you can't try tampons or a menstrual cup instead?
Dec 21 24
@aurielle sounds good. i always thought letting the hair grow out would contribute to making it itchier but i’ll stop trimming and see how it goes. i also do use tampons, but right now my period isn’t that heavy so i’m using pads for now

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