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Feb 9
So my sister called me and asked me what I’m doing this weekend and I told her I am actually meeting my S.O mom at the camp ground, so it’s casual! My sister continued to tell me he’s love bombing me because he wants me to meet his mom. We have been talking for about a month and half. She told me “you were going on a date with another guy in December and now in February you are meeting someone else’s mom”… I’m like that’s called dating??? I feel so mentally exhausted.
Feb 9
TW: suicide I had a bad period in my life when I was younger, maybe 8 years ago. I would date or sleep around. I dated this guy who made me develop depression because I told my bf at the time how many people I’ve slept with and he shamed me and I was then suicidal. I told my sister and she didn’t help me, instead told me I should be ashamed of myself. This made me develop resentment. Ever since then, she brings up my past as a joke or uses it against me or tries to bring it up to my parents.
Feb 9
It may be a good idea to not tell your sister things that are going on in your romantic life.
Feb 9
Are you able to cut ties with your sister? She sounds like a very bad contribution to your life.
Feb 10
Is it considered love bombing to meet his mom in a casual setting after a month and half?
Feb 10
My bf and I have been dating for a month today and he met my mom last weekend. I think you’re really stressing this relationship. Relationships, especially this early on, are supposed to be fun and exciting and it seems like you’re very stressed and anxious about almost every aspect of it. Second guessing a lot of things, over analyzing a lot of thing. Are you sure you’re ready to be in a relationship?
Feb 10
@mAeve_ I am, with him. I’m pretty confident in him. Sometimes my family is what holds me back and makes me overthink everything.
Feb 10
@mAeve_ I didn’t even think about it being love bombing, I was just excited, until my sister said something.
Feb 10
@Emotal no it's not. Love bombing is an accumulation of many acts and repeated gestures that are over the top. It doesn't sound like your sister really knows what it is. People will just throw terms around.
Feb 10
It’s definitely not love bombing, also I’m not sure telling your sister about your relationships is a good idea.

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