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Oct 10
I work from home and am staring at my computer all day and I wear blue-light blocking glasses, but my eyes have still been bothering me so much!! By the end of the work day my eyes are red and irritated and I’m always rubbing them.. does anyone know of any solutions or have experienced the same?
Oct 10
Do you wear contacts? Have you tried eye lubricating drops? Also make sure you take eye breaks and go outside. There isn't really any evidence that blue light glasses do anything.
Oct 10
Adjust the brightness settings of monitors and use "dark mode" whenever available in various apps like emails, teams, etc.
Oct 10
Blue light glasses are not scientifically proven to work. Try and take breaks from your screen and go outside. It helps to also have proper ergonomics for your work environment. Make sure your monitor is arms length away from your face and you aren’t sitting too close!
Oct 10
You need to take breaks even if you work from home! It’s important to take periodic breaks from screen time.
Oct 13
use a blue light blocker on computers i believe there is an app or it’s in settings as i struggle from the same thing you do, i also have this on my phone too if you have an apple phone and go into display and brightness there’s a mode called night shift which you can adjust to block all blue light. works much better than the glasses

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