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Jul 18
I really need some advice. Me and my bf were sat on the sofa last Saturday night and we both follow this girl on Instagram (a friend not an insta girl), I had seen that he screenshotted her story and when I asked about it, he denied even knowing he followed her. Anyway, I did look at his photos and the photo wasn’t there. When I ask him the next morning he does admit to screenshotting the story and said he was going to send it to a friend. Then today, the photo is on his phone, he must have deleted it and screenshotted it again on the Sunday morning. I expressed last weekend that I was uncomfortable he had the screenshotted and thought it was disrespectful to her too. I’m really hurt that the photo is still on his phone and something in my gut is just telling me that he lied.
Jul 18
Why was he going to send it to his friend?
Jul 18
@aURIELLE the friend had fancied this girl at one point and had asked her on a date
Jul 18
So are you upset about him taking the screenshot or about the lying?
Jul 19
@aURIELLE both really, the picture was quite a revealing one and when I confronted him last night I just feel like it didn’t all add up and he claimed to not know how the image magically got back into his camera roll after he claims to have deleted it
Jul 19
You can “hide” or lock certain photos on your phone so maybe that’s how he’s done it. I can see if they were just using the photo as a topic for discussion rather than just to gawk at and probably hid the photo from you to spare your feelings but you ought to let him know that him lying to you (in general) has upset you going forward. It might be worth trying to find out from him why he finds it so easy to lie to you in a non confrontational way if possible
Jul 19
Tbh I don't see anything super wrong about this unless he was talking about the girl with his friend in an objectifying way. It sounds like something I might do if I knew my friend had a crush on a guy-- although if they both follow her, he should have just sent the story instead of screenshotting. I do think it's wrong that he lied to you and it would be best if he's just honest and upfront so you guys can discuss your feelings around it. But I also think this is a good reason not to overly monitor partners' social media use. I don't bother myself with the details of what my boyfriend is doing on his phone, and I generally trust him not to be doing anything disrespectful or creepy. Has your boyfriend done anything like this before? And how do you feel about his behavior generally?

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