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Jul 9
Started my pack on the 20th of June. I take it every night at 7pm. On the 29th of June I took it at 9:05pm so I was 2 hours late, I took it correctly for 8 days until tonight when I took it now at 8:55pm. It doesn’t say I’m not protected but should I use protection? It just says I have been inconsistent. Im due my period on Monday. I normally always let him finish in me when I am due my period as I feel safer. 💊💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊⚠️💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊⚠️ Brand: Yasmin
Jul 9
Ah ok on both times I was 2 hours later than my normal time so technically I’m not late if it’s a 3 hour gap. Is that linked to all pills or just mine? Sorry I should have said “period” I know its not real but having that withdrawal every month calms me and helps my anxiety. We’ll be having sex on Sunday and I’m due the withdrawal bleed on Monday and the app says low chance even now
Jul 9
Its called Period Diary Ovulation tracker. It says Fertility Low meaning low chance of conceiving as my fertility window is low
Jul 9
but you don’t ovulate if you’re on the pill so the app is essentially useless x
Jul 9
Yes I know I just use it to track my withdrawal bleed so I know when I’m getting it.
Jul 9
sorry just seen that yasmin is actually a 12 hour pill my bad, you were still protected tho! but it is **12 hours!**
Jul 9
Yasmin has a 24 hour usage window. There is no point in tracking your fertility window or bleeds as you don’t have an actual period. This means you are never “due” a bleed. Your bleeding (or lack thereof) means nothing in regards to pregnancy, what matters is that you take your pills correctly.
Jul 9
ah okay i thought so but the pamphlet i found said 12 hours must have been outdated thanks for the info!
Jul 9
@onthepillxo most pamphlets are still outdated and say 12 hours when it’s 24 hours. A good way to find out whether it’s 12 or 24 is to check the how to use and missed pill instructions in specifics.
Jul 9
perfect thankyou :)
Jul 9
@YI_eune I just like to know when I am having a “bleed” as I get one every month that lasts Monday-Thursday and I have to wear a pad as the first day or two are would be a good bit. So if I have a calendar I can plan months in advance and if needed I can continue my pack without having a break week

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