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Jan 23
does anybody else feel like they’re always SOO tired??? i feel like i could sleep all day if i let myself. it is a side effect of my pill, so im assuming its that, but curious what anybody’s done to fix this.. lol 💊💊💊💊💊🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊 Brand: hailey fe 1/20
Jan 23
Have you gotten routine blood tests to check your vitamin levels, etc recently? It could be low iron or a vitamin deficiency.
Jan 23
@aurielle I haven’t in a while actually.. but when I did probably 8 ish months ago, they were all normal.
Jan 23
What’s your mental health like? Are you struggling or experiencing stress? I feel like I can sleep forever if my mental is down
Jan 23
Yes but I am one depressed and anxious girly lol How’s your sleep? And nutrition and exercise? I find I get the most energy when im out, in the sun, fuelled on good food and have exercised well. That is going to propel you to have more energy for other things and have better sleep. But man is doing that ever hard in todays world lol
Jan 23
@Yi_eune I would say right now, it’s not bad. I have been doing better than I usually am. @falafels_ I usually go to sleep around 11-11:30 and get up usually around 6-6:30. My birth control alarm is at 8, so even when I sleep in, I still get up for that and go back to sleep. Maybe the interruption is harmful? Not sure. But exercise wise, I do a little cardio everyday and have been including more as of recently. I’m currently on a diet with my boyfriend, so maybe eating a little less is reducing my energy levels???
Jan 23
TW discussion of dieting Dieting could definitely affect your energy levels, make sure you're eating enough to keep your energy up. Another thing to consider is your sleep quality, which you can improve by doing things like no screen time before bed, keeping it as dark as possible/wearing a sleep mask, and ensuring a comfortable temperature.
Jan 23
If it's winter where you live, you can also look into your Vitamin D levels. A lot of people experience winter depression due to less sunlight.
Jan 24
@aurielle to add to sleep quality - ear plugs!! I live underneath my landlords and some mornings it’s so quiet and others not so much. I wear earplugs in the morning and pass right out and continue sleeping deeply.
Jan 24
@xNymphadora That’s true. It is winter where I live so it’s dark and freezing.
Jan 24
@aurielle thanks for the reminder on the TW- i forgot to put that on there before mentioning :(

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