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Feb 17
Update from my last post: The job I had an interview for originally said I didn’t get it (on the 6th). They just emailed me to ask if I’m still interested as I came a close second in the interview and the person they offered the job to had internal system knowledge but have taken a job elsewhere. Now I’m stuck again on whether I should take it or not! Before they had declined me, I thought I would take it if they offered it to me. Now I’m back on not being sure as I had ruled it out of my head when they said I didn’t get it! So, pros of my current job are working from home 2/3 days a week. BUT this could technically change at any time, and they could turn around next week and say we have to be in the office 5 days a week. I do not like my job currently, I get bored and majority of the people in my team are incompetent which really annoys me lol. The office is also far more modern in comparison to the other job. The new job would be 5 days a week in the office with a longer commute. When I went for my interview, it took around 40 mins to get there. I would also be expected to do overtime often, which is additional pay. The job seems more interesting and I would be busy so would hopefully make the days go quicker, even if I did have to do overtime, but it would mean less time for myself in the evenings :/ Any thoughts to help make my decision (again)? 😅
Feb 17
I’m just worried if I took the job, I could hate it/the hours and regret it. I already find it hard enough to find jobs I could actually do lol
Feb 17
Literally just worked out I think it’d be the same hours I’m working now with overtime there, currently I do 8:30-5 with 30 min lunch. I think at the new job it’s usually 9-5 but maybe 9-6 with overtime, so with 30 min lunch 9-6 would be the same hours I’m doing now but I’d actually get paid overtime!
Feb 17
Getting paid overtime is for sure a big plus. Will the longer commute time be worth it? Both financially wise and time wise. Is there going to be any opportunity to WFH in the new job? Is this new job going to progress your career?
Feb 17
@bluerose9 definitely! Currently my commute time is around 20 mins. If I do overtime at the new job and don’t finish till 6, the roads should be quieter so hopefully won’t take as long as 40 mins on the way home as it did to get there! I’m financially stable so money is not an issue thankfully. The new job is lab support so no opportunity to WFH. I emailed them back saying I’m still interested and they replied saying they’ll sort the paperwork so I guess that’s made my decision for me 😂 although I could still pull out of course as I haven’t signed anything yet
Feb 17
If you currently don't like your job, at least at the new job there's chance you'll like it better. Sure there is a chance you won't like but if you stay at your current job that's already guaranteed 😂
Feb 17
@aurielle very true 😂 I was mainly worried about the hours of the new job, but I do 40 hours a week now, and the new job is 37.5 a week and anything over that is paid overtime so there wouldn’t be much difference in hours other than more pay! And the commute shouldn’t be too bad
Feb 17
I’d go for the new job, I get that working from home is nice but you’re giving so many reasons as to why your current job is boring. The commute isn’t bad either. Sounds like you’ll have better time at a different place.
Feb 17
@Yi_eune thank you! I hope so 🤞🏻
Feb 17
I’d go for the new job, a job you find more interesting will be worth it for the experience even if you just use it as a stepping stone. I did a similar move and don’t regret it at all
Feb 17
@_EmS agree with the other comments I think you should go for it. Even if you don’t like it it’ll be a new experience, another thing on your CV and an opportunity to learn new things. I’m also a lab worker 🧪 wishing you the best!
Feb 18
@bluerose9 thank you! I have officially accepted the job 😅

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