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Jul 14
I am on the Twirla patch i been on it going on two years now but last night me & my bf decided to have sex and afterwards i noticed my patch wasn’t on my hip i wasn’t able to put on a new patch until i got home but i wonder if i should take an plan B or if im okay because i put on an brand new patch
Jul 14
What does your pamphlet say?
Jul 14
If I remember right from when I was on the patch, if it’s been off less than 24 hours you’re fine as long as you put a new one on. Double check your pamphlet to be sure.
Jul 14
I feel like it has been less than 24 hrs so i should definitely be good & in the pamphlet it says if the patch is completely off for less than one day ( up to 24 hrs ) i should try and put it on again or replace it with an new patch immediately so as soon as i got back in town i put a new patch @Sams2095
Jul 14
@Nae_Nae I would just put on a new one so it sticks better
Jul 14
@Yi_eune yeah i had just put on an new patch once i got back home

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