Does anyone know how to change the timezone on this app? I’m going to be travelling over the Christmas and New Year period and will need to change the timezone.
Jul 25 09:24
Does it automatically
Jul 25 12:24
I tried to test that the other day, I manually changed the time on my phone and I checked the app and the time zone still stayed the same.
Jul 25 14:48
That’s not how it works, your phone’s GPS will still locate you being in the country you’re in right now so the app won’t change. I’ve travelled around with this app and it does adapt automatically when your geolocation gets updated.
Jul 25 22:04
Ah ok, I can try that when I travel
Jul 25 22:09
Also would travelling affect your pill tracker (as in the colours on the time tracker) Because the time I normally take it at home, the place I’m going to is a completely different timezone to where I live and I am worried that will affect my time tracker.
Jul 26 09:08
As long as you take your pill in your usage window you’ll be at perfect use. It shouldn’t change the tracking colour as the time will get adjusted automatically.
I do recommend not relying on the app to tell you your protection status as the data it is based on is very outdated and it won’t get updated as the app has been abandoned by its developers.
Jul 31 18:15
@Yi_eune So for example if my time for taking the pill at home is say 7pm, so I take my pill at 7pm at my destination, regardless of the time difference?
Jul 31 23:01
@Swift99 no it’ll send you the reminder at 7pm of your original location, but it will inform you of when that is when you swap time zones. If that time is inconvenient then you have your usage window to be flexible with.