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Jul 24
Is there anyway to switch the day you get your period on the placebo week? I been on the pill for 8 years and my placebo week always starts on a Wednesday and I get my period on Saturday like clockwork. Ends by the start of new pack the following Wednesday. But is there anyway to push it up to not have the period fall on a weekend??? 🍭🍭⚠️🍭⚠️🍭💊⚠️⚠️💊💊⚠️⚠️💊💊💊💊⚠️💊💊❌❌❌❌❌❌❌⏱ Brand: Junel 1.5/30
Jul 24
Nothing will guarantee it but you can try shortening your break weeks.
Jul 24
@Yi_eune so I would take my 21 active pills, maybe 4 placebo & then start my new pack of active pills?
Jul 24
You can take active pills back to back and then take ur break week when you are ready, then you can control when you get ur period. I do it all the time because I simply hate getting my period.
Jul 24
@Angel420 I’ve skipped my period in the past by taking back to back active packs but I always did the full 21 pills (two packs) and then 7 placebos. So would I be able to take like idk 25 active pills and then start the placebo so I’m starting the placebo on a Sunday instead of Wednesday?
Jul 24
Yes you can, as long as you have taken 7 active pills before you take ur break.
Jul 24
@Angel420 do you need to use any back up protection
Jul 24
No you are protected as long as you have taken 7 active pills before ur break. As long as you do that every time you want to take your break early you will be protected during your break.
Jul 24
You could also end your next break week on a Sunday and then going forward your break will always begin on a Sunday so you’ll likely begin bleeding during the week and stop before the weekend. When I was on the pill my doctor explained that that’s why one of the popular ways people will start the pill is Sunday start even though (when first beginning the pill) they may need to wait longer to be protected if their natural menstrual period didn’t start on the Sunday when first starting the pill.
Jul 24
@Sams2095 so it’s okay to have a break week shorter than 7 days?
Jul 24
@Angel420 have you ever taken a shorter placebo week instead? It’s basically doing the opposite of what we talked ab. Instead of 25 active pills. Maybe my 21 actives. 2-3 day placebo and then start my new pack? Would that be safe
Jul 24
Yes you are fine to do that. You are allowed to shorten ur break week
Jul 24
@Angel420 would any back up protection be needed for a 2 day break week? Or would this cause break through bleeding? Thank you for being so helpful!
Jul 24
No you would be protected still even if you took a 2 day break week, you would either take the 21 active pills then do your 2 day break or would need to make sure you have taken 7 active pills before you start. I said that above but I just wanted to make it easy to understand what I’m saying. It shouldn’t cause breakthrough bleeding but everyone is different.
Jul 25
You can always shorten your break week, you just can’t ever extend it. If you plan to regularly shorten your break week (not just one time to change your break start day) then you’ll need to make sure your doctor writes your prescription for the shorter break weeks or you’ll run out of pills before you can refill your prescription.

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