If you were to be invited to your friends wedding and bring your boyfriend as a plus one. Would you pay for tickets and hotel all?
Jan 9 20:28
if he REALLY doesn’t want to come then yes if he is equally excited then 50/50
Jan 9 20:39
No, I would only bring my partner if they also wanted to come and were willing to pitch in on travel costs.
Jan 10 01:52
Depending on finances I might pay for the hotel (esp since I’d need to do that even if he didn’t come) but he would pay his own travel costs, etc.
Jan 11 15:07
For weddings we’ve gone to, whoever is friends with the couple pays for the hotel. When my best friend got married, I paid for our room because I would’ve gone whether he came or not. His best friend just got married and he paid for our hotel room. For travel if we were flying we’d each pay for our own ticket.
Jan 11 20:12
Yall bfs makes u pay for stuff ? Lol
Jan 11 23:22
@athome799 I’m personally not comfortable with someone else paying for me, esp since I make more than most guys I date. Other than the first couple dates where he paid, we trade off so it ends up being roughly a 50/50 split.
Jan 12 02:24
@Athome799 yeah because it's 2025 and I'm personally not being dependent on a man.