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Jul 6
Hi so I talked about PMS symptoms I was feeling thursday and I’m still feeling relatively the same. I’m new to birth control this is my second break week. only been on it for two months so far i’m taking Yasmin Drospir/ethinyl pills and wanted to know if it was normal to feel this way? like withdrawal symptoms in a way. On my first break week I bled on day 3 of it , tomorrow basically for me since i haven’t gotten my period. Are they sequences predictable and consistent? Is it normal to feel this way while on these pills? Is there an implant that would be better to switch to that wouldn’t make me feel so negative about myself? ❓💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💤
Jul 7
You're still in the adjustment phase of the pill (which is 3-6 months) so it's normal for bleeding and other side effects to be variable during this time. If things don't get better after 6 months then you can consider switching to a different pill or method
Jul 7
There is no “better” method that will fix everything. You’re going to have to try methods for 3-6 months each until you find something that works for you.
Jul 7
Keep in mind that birth control doesn't directly cause issues with mental health but can enhance them. What is it that causes you to feel so negative? Is it your environment, trauma or social media? Have you mentioned this to your doctor, or seen a therapist? What kind of situations trigger your mind feeling this way? But like said in above comments, it takes time to adjust to the pill and to find the right dosage for you. It's trial and error.
Jul 7
@xNymphadora I’m easily triggered when sensitive, it could be a change in tone or something very minor like plans changing. Social media was a problem for a while but i’ve deactivated a few accounts for the mean time. I’m not seeing a therapist currently, I mainly talk to 988 when I feel things get too much but i’m seeing my doctor next month so i’ll try and get a therapist then.

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