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Jul 18
Hey, so I just started taking the pill again as I’m in a new relationship and it’s my first break week but I haven’t got my period yet, I’m on day 4 of the break, is that normal? I think I made a mistake when I started taking them because I didn’t wait until I had started and finished my period so maybe that messed it up. Brand: Rigevidon
Jul 18
i’ve learned from here that it takes a while for your period to become normal after you start birth control! you should be fine :)
Jul 19
If you waited until you were protected before having sex there’s nothing to be worried about. If you start outside of your period you should wait a full week before you’re protected. It doesn’t get messed up. Birth control is known to lighten or stop bleeding even during break weeks.
Jul 19
@Yi_eune ok yes I waited the week and used extra protection. Thank you.
Jul 19
@puffles thank you ☺️

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