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Jul 18
should i be concerned about heat making my pill work less effectively? my dad turns the air conditioning off in my room during the day and my pills are probably sitting at around 75-82 degrees all day, in a part of my room that doesn’t get sunlight. i also left my pills in the car briefly when it was 80ish degrees but it was only for a few minutes in a backpack. should i call my pharmacy and see about new pills or should they be fine? i have a 3 month supply so id be annoyed if i needed to use a backup method for that long until i get new pills. it doesn’t seem like there is any damage on them.
Jul 18
Most pills I’ve seen are comfortably stored between 15-30 degrees Celsius but I would check your pamphlet
Jul 18
Those temperatures aren’t enough to make yours pills ineffective.

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