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Feb 7
I haven’t been taking my pills on time everyday and one day recently I forgot to take it that whole day, but the next day I had unprotected sex. The day after I had unprotected sex I started to bleed. This usually happens and lasts a few days but this time it only lasted a day. Should I be worried?!
Feb 7
Being inconsistent with your pill taking can definitely cause side effects like breakthrough bleeding (and you may not be experience the same side effects every time or for the same length of time). Depending on what kind of pill you’re on and where in your pack you missed it you may have been completely unprotected when you had condomless sex. Also depending on the type of pill you’re on and how late you’ve been taking them, you may have missed some others due to taking outside your usage window. See this link for more info on missed pills and whether you were protected see this link {tydJSfNCZ} Combined pills that have different usage windows and may not allow missed pills: {mydJSfNNn} For more info on usage windows see this link {6ydJSfNGx}

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