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Dec 17 24
Hi, I started taking my OC 9 days ago on the first day of my period. I'm still having brown discharge. Yesterday, I had barely a drop of brown discharge all day so I thought it was over, but today there was a generous amount. Before I started taking OC my periods lasted 6 days, 7 at most. They were never this long. Does anyone know if this is still my period or is it spotting, and when will it stop? Thank you
Dec 17 24
Are you currently taking active pills or break days? You have breakthrough bleeding which happens when you take active birth control pills but still bleed. Withdrawal bleeding happens when you’re on your break days/week and you bleed. Keep in mind if you’re on birth control you don’t have a period. Unfortunately there is no way to know when your bleed will stop, your body is never predictable nor are you on any type of schedule.
Dec 17 24
It can also vary from time to time, to time some months you can bleed for hours, days or weeks even months it’s a normal side effect, so it’s extremely common. Since you started 9 days ago (assuming you’re a new user) you have a an adjustment phase of 6 months, during this time you can experience any type of sudden effects.
Dec 17 24
Here is a useful thread for you to read: {qGzZrUNRZ}

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