I was with my ex for 7 years and it was definitely difficult but us breaking up was honestly the best thing that ever happened to me. I was super sad for about 10 months after our breakup. I didn’t go out, didn’t drink, didn’t see friends. I just stayed home and watched tv. I didn’t tell anyone we had broken up for about a month. But then I started going out, hanging out with friends, going to dinners. I’ve traveled to 10 new cities, went on my dream vacation to Tokyo, have been to countless concerts, a music festival, hooked up with many new people, started therapy, moved into my own house, got a new job, got 6 tattoos, learned what I wanted and needed in a relationship, and learned to love myself. Now I’m in a relationship with someone who treats me with so much love and respect. With the love and respect I didn’t realize I didn’t have in my previous relationship because I was so desperate to hang onto that relationship due to fear. Sometimes getting a new life and a fresh start means shedding your old life and going through the pain.