Sooo I’ve made a post like this in the past about Reddit. I struggle with ocd and recently have had a flare centered with my relationship. It’s been getting so much better but tends to spike before my period.
I essentially posted for some support about recent thoughts I’ve been having that has caused me to overthink and send me into a spiral. A lot of my thoughts right now are: worried I have or will cheat on my partner, worried if I flirted, worried about enjoying compliments/ feeling validated from others, worried when I find someone else attractive and worried that I will do something wrong, now it has centered to “what if I’m only excited for the wedding for the event and not the marriage”
I was ultimately seeking reassurance (I know not good) and received many comments saying I’m going to ultimately cheat on my partner, I should be single, and I shouldn’t get married. This has all sent me into a spiral and I guess I’m now looking for support here