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Jul 3
I need to take Metronidazole and Doxycycline for 10 days to clear my BV & Mycoplasma and damn… this nausea is horrible. The headache I’ve gotten has been so bad too. I’ve finished with day 1 and threw up once. I feel miserable..
Jul 3
Are you taking probiotics too? Taking them on this side and eating stuff good for gut health like yogurts should help with nausea. Also take the antibiotics with food unless advised not to. Unfortunately you can’t stop the antibiotic course now you’ve started.
Jul 3
Not sure if you did but if you drank alcohol with metronidazole that can cause severe nausea and vomiting. Also specifically for doxycycline make sure to use sun screen if you’re going to be in the sun for extended periods it makes you sensitive to sunlight
Jul 3
Even without alcohol metronidazole is likely to cause nausea and vomiting but as awg1 said definitely take them with food (unless advised not to)

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