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Nov 7 24
Brand: Cerazette Experiences + advice on switching from combo pill so i’ve had an episode of a focal migraine which was enough for me to switch to a POP. i’ve taken my first cerazette pill, straight after a combo pill (which i took continuously without breaks). i’m assuming i’m still protected considering my continuous pill taking beforehand? Also, what are some side effects that you guys have experienced on this pill? thanks:)
Nov 7 24
Double check what your new pill’s pamphlet says about switching from the combined pill. The side effects are basically the same, you’ll just have to see how you react. Ideally you don’t bleed at all on the mini pill but irregular bleeding is a particularly common side effect of the mini pill.
Nov 7 24
I am pretty sure you’re protected since you had no gaps in between them. I have not used that particular brand but my side effects on mini pills were bloating, weight gain, acne, and irregular bleeding/spotting all the time.
Nov 7 24
i’m on cerelle (same as cerazette) and have had no side effects apart from breakthrough/irregular bleeding which is really light - don’t have to wear a tampon or pad :)

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