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Jun 28
until when is breakthrough bleeding normal? for some contex, i’ve been taking this pill called Juliette (from switzerland) that is described both as a mini pill and a combined pill. I checked and it does have to hormones in it. I’ve been taking it religiously every day at the same hour never missed one. i’ve been taking it continuously since january and i never experienced breakthrough bleeding until now. Is it normal to bleed after so long of taking the pill? i’m a little worried it might be implantation bleeding or something health related !
Jun 28
Yes breakthrough bleeding is normal and can happen at anytime especially when you are still in the adjustment phase. Give ur body 3-6 months to adjust to the pill. You don’t need to worry about pregnancy if you are taking ur pill correctly.
Jun 28
@Angel420 yeah i’ve read about the 3 to 6 months adjustment phase but i thought it was over since its already been 6 months, thank you for your answer !
Jun 28
Breakthrough bleeding can happen at any time. If it has two hormones then it's a combined pill. It's normal to get breakthrough bleeding especially if you're taking a combined pill continuously without breaks.
Jun 28
Breakthrough bleeding can happen at any time unfortunately even if you’ve been on them a long time
Jun 29
i’ve also been experiencing period like cramps

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